Allison P. Davis

Features Writer, the Cut and New York Magazine

Allison P. Davis is a features writer for New York Magazine and the Cut. In the ten years she’s been on staff, she’s explored all aspects of fashion, culture, celebrity, sex, and dating through profiles, long-form features, and essays. Most notably, she’s profiled Cardi B, Lena Dunham, Mariah Carey, and Meghan Markle, among many others. Her essay “My Tinder Decade” was a National Magazine Award finalist. Her other bylines include EsquireGQ, California SundayThe Economist, Teen Vogue, Vogue UK, ElleAllure, and the New York Times.

  1. handsome men’s club
    Life Is Hard for Incredibly Handsome Men Hunks can’t catch a break.
  2. dong watch
    Soon We Can Eat in a Dick-Themed Restaurant Gender equality fully realized.
  3. pranksta’s paradise
    Meet the Only Two People Who Don’t Find Amy Schumer FunnyKimye is not amused.
  4. merkinis
    Furry Thongs Have Been Trending Since the 19th CenturySome things never go out of style.
  5. wedding guests
    How to Pose in Wedding Photos When You’re Standing Next to Rihanna#Rihanna at the #420Daviswedding.
  6. bitch better have my snack money
    Rihanna Has Elevated the Art of the Bodega Run “Froot Loops, Frooot Loooops.”
  7. let’s go to the mall
    Where Will We Buy Our Affordable Crotchless Panties Now? Another great mall brand closes its trashy doors.
  8. big reveals
    Wee Baby Timberlake Is Already Big on Instagram #BabyGrizzROAR.
  9. you can find me in da club
    Khaleesi Is the Queen of Going-Out TopsClubwear fit for the Mother of Dragons.
  10. lessons
    When Her Time Comes, Blake Will Bravely Accept Death’s Cold EmbraceShe will go gently.
  11. weirdos we love
    Kristen Schaal Is the Patron Saint of Big Ol’ Weirdos Everywhere Her freak flag whips proudly in the wind.
  12. what’s in a name?
    Are You Beyoncé Beyoncé or Just Regular Beyoncé?Name doppelgängers lead to so much anxiety.
  13. prime time
    67 Is the Optimal Age to Run for PresidentThere really is a “best age” for everything.
  14. stars! they’re just like us
    It’s Always a Gamble to Right-Swipe on a Celebrity But how can a famous person find love in these Tinder times?
  15. career advice
    Why a Business Wig Is Your Best Negotiating ToolWho needs Lean In when we have Nicki?
  16. happy holidays
    And How Will You Be Celebrating Riot Grrrl Day?It comes but once a year!
  17. The Kode With Karlie Scholarship Will Make You Wish You Were 13Being an adult sucks.
  18. beauty inventions of the future
    Hey, Robots: You’re Terrible at Applying MakeupNot so good at everything, are we, future overlords?
  19. quotables
    Anna Wintour Is Doing It Wrong, Says John WatersHe has some very strict fashion rules.
  20. ideas
    Turns Out Chipotle Is a Totally Acceptable Place for a First DateStop trying so hard, you try-hards.
  21. material world
    The Story of the Wildest Shopping Spree in HistoryOverspenders: IRL Edition.
  22. interview
    Talking to the Doctor Behind the World’s First Successful Penis Transplant“Why is the penis so important to us? I’m not sure, but it is,” says Dr. Andre van der Merwe.
  23. predators
    Creepy Serial Cuddler Has Already Spooned 10,000 Victims“I have no intention of stopping.”
  24. vicemo
    Columbia Students Now Regret Using Venmo to Buy DrugsA reminder: This was a bad idea.
  25. health and wellness
    Post-Workout Burgers Are Actually a Great IdeaBetter than a protein shake.
  26. hunks for days
    Men: Just Admit You Dig Being ShirtlessScott Eastwood embraces his natural form.
  27. endless love
    Dinosaurs Found Locked in Pose of Eternal LoveTwo fossils, one heart.
  28. teens
    Stores Save Teens From Death by HumiliationWith registries to prevent promgoers from wearing the same dress.
  29. tech sexism
    Female Tech Workers Are Thanking Ellen Pao They took out a full-page newspaper ad.
  30. dress codes
    Could This Be the End of the Booth Babe?Sorry, nerds.
  31. theme parties
    Hey, Want to Come to My Pot Tupperware Party?It’s just as good as it sounds.
  32. hot people problems
    Being a Hunky Man Is a Demeaning Job It’s hard out here for a hunk.
  33. gratuitous male objectification
    Meet Trevor Noah’s Dimples, the New Hosts of The Daily ShowThey belong to Trevor Noah, and they are glorious.
  34. time capsule
    Proof That Every Teen House Party Is Exactly the SameMom will always say “What’s going on?” and Dad will always be pissed you got into the liquor cabinet.
  35. our selfies ourselves
    Selfie Festival Known As Coachella Boldly Bans the Selfie Stick And its main operator, the Narcissist.
  36. fancy parties
    It Costs Sia $5,000 to Get Ready for a Party And you thought your pre-party routine was intense.
  37. gratuitous male objectification
    When Is a Penis Too Good to Break Up With? A.k.a., Dick Too Bomb.
  38. utopias
    Your Teenage Bedroom Is Still the Best Place on Earth Keep out, Mom!
  39. just the tips
    What in the World Is a Finger Blow Job? An alarming piece of sex advice.
  40. everyday slut shaming
    Can We Please Use the Word Slut Correctly? Larry Wilmore calls for better grammar when slut-shaming.
  41. i like this bitch’s jams
    Finally, a Soundtrack for Your Obsessive Selfie Habit “Show me a pic or it didn’t even happen.”
  42. let’s get weir
    Eternally Fabulous Man Sells His Furs on eBay Buy Johnny Weir’s castoffs.
  43. famous teens
    We Have Found the Most Zen Teenager on the PlanetHow did Mo’ne Davis get so good at handling everything?
  44. close reads
    Every Rap Song That Mentions Monica LewinskyShe’s a metaphor for power imbalances, fellatio, and more.
  45. tiny rebellions
    Salute the Winter Deniers As They Bravely Ignore the WeatherSpring has sprung, damn it. It has sprung.
  46. vogue cover girls
    Vogue Nailed It With Its April CoverSerena Williams for the annual “Shape” issue.
  47. fashion collaborations
    Queen Beyoncé Lends Her Essence to a Single Shoe Design Just one.
  48. fembots
    Robyn, Fan of Robots, to Host Women-Centric Technology Festival in SwedenShe sings of fembots; now she wants to inspire us to build them.
  49. love according to rom coms
    As Laundromats Close, New York Is Running Out of Places to Meet-Cute As laundromats close, so do our rom-com dreams.
  50. free the nipple
    American Apparel, Once Leaders in Pube Revolution, Now Erasing Them From SiteThe once-great champion of pubic hair seems to be erasing it (along with nipples) from its site.
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