The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Turks and CuckoosThe Housewives’ metabolism for drama is increasing exponentially.
Orange Is the New Black Season 3 Finale Recap: A Toast Good-byeThis season of Orange Is the New Black was both painfully obvious in its worldview and also morally relative at the same time.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: Special DeliveryThe unlikely alliance between Boo and Pennsatucky was one of the highlights of this season.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: The Panties BunchCaputo’s story makes it clear he ended up working at a prison thanks to a bunch of decisions he made himself.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: Caught Off-GuardThe season is finally starting to pay off, emotionally.
OITNB Recap: The Adventures of PousseyI’ve finally figured out who the supercouple is on Orange Is the New Black.
The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Sexual Fantasy IslandThis is our least favorite episode of any Real Housewives franchise: the before-the-trip episode.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: A Whisper CampaignNow, this is the Orange Is the New Black that I know and love.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: Oh, Nicki, You’re Not FineI didn’t notice how much I loved you, until you took my Natasha Lyonne away.
Orange Is the New Black Recap: Cootie ShotsWith a cast so large and sprawling, this is a show that could easily fall into disarray.
Orange Is the New Black Season Three Premiere Recap: Mother, May I?This episode shows us how mothers can both mess their children up and be a redemptive force in their lives.
The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: The Berkshires Hath a WayYou know something is going down when an episode of The Real White Walkers of Essenden’s Cave ends with a “To Be Continued …”
RHONY Recap: Champagne Wishes, Caviar ScreamsI’m not entirely sure what happened in this episode, but I know that I really enjoyed it.
The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Feed the ClownAlmost an entire episode fixated on Bethenny Frankel, Our Lady of Perpetual Squabbles.
The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Casino Battle RoyaleThis was one of the most insane, action-packed episodes of the show possibly ever.
Real Housewives of New York City Recap: President of Business, AffairsIt seems like the tectonic plates of the Real Mink Stoles of Grandma’s Cedar Closet are shifting.
RHONY Recap: The Cradle Robbing of CivilizationI’m enjoying this season of the Real Cradle Robbers of Kumon Algebra Tutoring Services.
Real Housewives of New York City Recap: A Tale of Two BrunchesWe go back so far with these women, which is odd because this show is really only about the squabble of the moment.
RHOBH Reunion Recap: Kicked in the PrivatesKim and Kyle are like mushrooms, growing only in their dark silence and moist hatred.
Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Mind Your ManorsI knew it’d be hard for Bethenny Frankel to return to The Real Ice-Cream Churners of Talenti Gardens, and this episode made it clear why.
RHOBH Reunion Part 2 Recap: Mission KimpossibleKim Richards has reached a whole new level of darkness.
RHOBH Recap: All Good Ends Must Come to a ThingWe have never wanted a thing to end more than this season of The Real Magic Tricks of Hangover Begone Canyon.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Come On, EileenEileen proves herself to be the only sane person on this whole damn show.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Trippin’ in AmsterdamThese women never bother to stop and ask if there is something wrong with them. Maybe they should.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Run, Lisa, RunA trip to Calgary, a trip to Holland, a trip to David Foster (Wallace)’s charity event. Babyface and Steven Tyler make appearances.
RHOBH Recap: She’s Not Wasted, She’s My SisterEileen is not only a pro — she is a class act.
American Horror Story Recap: Shallow GravesAfter tonight, is there anyone on this show worth caring about?
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Coeds on the MoonAn interior dorm designer, an ungotten smog test, and the bitter tears of wasted youth.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Case of BrandiBrandi did something stupid. Okay, Brandi did a whole lot of stupid things.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Home for the HolidaysIt was nice to see everyone get together again, because that hasn’t happened all season.
American Horror Story Recap: Back to the AsylumFor the second week in a row, the ending really got us.
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