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Best Comedy Showcase

  • Channel 101: NY

    92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson St., nr. Canal St.;

    Conan O’Brien may have left us for L.A. but New York screwball comedy lives on at the monthly screenings hosted by the web comedy network Channel 101 ($5; next screening is March 4). Over a hundred attendees, including participating comedians, rate a slate of five-minute viral videos by secret ballot. The top five get uploaded and are invited to post again the following month, while the rest are dubbed �failed pilots� (though win or lose, episodes remain on the site forever). The democratic process is pretty good at picking hits. Past screenings have landed actual TV deals, including Adult Swim’s �Fat Guy Stuck in Internet� and MTV’s �Human Giant.�

From the 2009 Best of New York issue of New York Magazine