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Best Kids’ Birthday Party

  • �Under the Sea� at Imagine Swimming

    40 Harrison St., nr. Greenwich St.; 212-253-9650

    Considering the popularity of Imagine Swimming�it’s the largest private swim school in New York City, with 13 locations�it’s surprising that the Tribeca flagship waited until January to introduce its �Under the Sea� parties. For about $1,600, 11 under-10-year-olds (capacity is 25, with an additional $42 per guest) get an hour of in-pool playtime that couldn’t be further from swim class. Parents appreciate the three-to-one instructor ratio while little ones leap from lily-pad-shaped mats, squirt water guns, and zip down a water slide. On land, kids decorate party crowns around a table strewn with shells and chocolate coins. Place settings and goodie bags are provided, too.

From the 2014 Best of New York issue of New York Magazine