- Jeeves New York
39 E. 65th St., nr. Madison Ave.; 212-570-9130; jeevesny.com
What Jeeves does differently from your everyday cleaner constitutes a long list. Consider: If there are delicate buttons on your blazer, they will be removed before cleaning and stitched back afterward. If your dress is made of mixed material�say, leather and silk�the techs will hand-clean the entire thing, dabbing on solvents and avoiding delicate areas. If they’re not sure how something’s supposed to look, they’ll e-mail you a digital photo and ask. Technicians will even come to your house to work on, say, a fabric-covered wall. Master cleaner Gerald von Pozniak is always on hand to take questions�that is, when he isn’t on the phone with the Metropolitan Opera, discussing how to get makeup smudges out of their costumes. You pay for all this, of course: Hand-cleaning a suit costs $145, about six times the typical rate. If it keeps bespoke tailoring from looking prematurely aged after a year or two, it suddenly seems worth it.
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