The Gowanus Yacht Club and Beer
Alan Harding, the unofficial mayor
of Smith Street and co-owner of two of its restaurants
(Patois and Uncle Pho), must be reliving the carefree
tree-fort-building days of his youth. He describes his
latest project, The Gowanus Yacht Club and Beer Garden,
a picnic-table patio with a funky, vaguely nautical motif,
as "garage-sale chic meets Gilligan's Island." Actually,
it's more like Dumpster-diver chic meets Sanford and Son:
Harding has turned some trash-picked yellow-pine beams
into benches, built a trellis and tables out of plywood,
tacked up a life preserver, and installed a grill fashioned
out of an oil drum. The plan is to lure passersby and
straphangers exiting the adjacent F/G station with the
irresistible scent of frankfurters charring on the grill
plus white-peach sangria, draught beer in Styrofoam cups,
and Pabst Blue Ribbon in cans.
323 Smith Street
at President Street, Brooklyn
No Phone
· Cuisine: Outdoor Grill |
Openings Archive
of June 3
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of May 27
The Basil, Loggia, Bot, Vida
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Photo: Patrik Rytikangas