A still from … “Heart-Shaped Glasses.”
Evan Rachel Wood Said Something Racy
Has the whole world gone normal? Reading the interview with Evan Rachel Wood in the new GQ, we suddenly felt old, and not just because she’s 19. Talking about the racy — and in fact, blood-soaked — video for “Heart-Shaped Glasses” that she shot with her boyfriend, Marilyn Manson, Wood makes the kind of statement about sex that has people wagging their fingers at the same time they drool from the mouth (think about your career as an actress! Think about your innocence, your young … supple … body).
te>Wood: Even though ugliness can be all around you — you can literally be in a thunderstorm of blood — if you look past that, it really is just two people holding on to each other. And you know, the same thing with the sex scene. If you’re going to have a sex scene, that’s what it is. When you’re with someone and you’re in love, that’s usually what happens. It’s not always soft. Sometimes it’s somebody screaming or whatever …
Me [The dude from GQ]: [blank stare]
Ah, the reproachful [blank stare]. While the writer later credits Wood with having a career that’s not actually so different from the respectable Jodie Foster’s, we can’t help but think back to Manson’s heyday, when Sex in a Thunderstorm of Blood was just another tent at Lollapalooza. We applaud you, Evan Rachel Wood, for proving that young women these days can raise eyebrows without resorting to dating Wilmer Valderrama. —Nick Catucci
Evan Almighty [Men’s Style]
Evan Rachel Wood Said Something Racy