last night on late night

Late Night: Brian Williams Slow Jams the News

Brian Williams stopped by Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night to help Fallon slow jam the news and make his contractually mandated NBC cameo for the week. Per usual, “Brilliams,” as the host called him, was charm personified. Karl Rove was slightly less charming on The Tonight Show, where he told of being beaten up for supporting Nixon when he was nine-years-old — a story that offered a weird look into Rove’s psyche and was met with applause from the audience. Speaking of encouraging violence, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert returned from a week-long hiatus to examine tea party death threats. Finally, on The Late Show, David Letterman returned to his second-favorite target after Jay Leno. Watch our compilation to see what you missed.

Late Night: Brian Williams Slow Jams the News