“It feels like — and again, this is just the way my mind works, which is why I go to therapy twice a week — I immediately think that there could be nothing worse than getting that kind of attention.” —Jesse Eisenberg, on his fear that The Social Network will get him too much attention [LAT]
“Four-inch platforms give you great height and make your legs look unbelievably long. I used only to be able to get them in stripper shops, but now you can buy them everywhere — although, unfortunately, that means everyone else has discovered the trick too.” —Helen Mirren [Daily Mail UK]
“I love it, but I hate it at the same time. It takes far too much of my energy and time — time I should be spending working or making myself a better person instead of looking at pictures of my friends having fun at great parties in London.” —Andrew Garfield’s thoughts on Facebook [Parade]
“It’s really pretty. Tony’s shaving his legs for it!” —Audrina Patridge, on her and her partner’s plans for her next Dancing With the Stars performance [MTV]
“He was mysterious; he was like a character in one of his stories. He wanted to meet in a deli that I had driven by but never been to in Santa Monica. I went in; he was having chicken noodle soup. I almost felt like it was a date at a certain point, like, ‘Please like me! Can we do this again?’” —Jason Schwartzman, on meeting Bored to Death creator Jonathan Ames [LAT]
“I did learn a very valuable lesson and that is I am very comfortable in my underwear.” —Virginity Hit star Matt Bennett [Movies Blog/MTV]