
Streets Are Closing Down in Greenwich Village So Barack Obama Can Dine at Anna Wintour’s House Tonight

Tonight, Anna Wintour will have Barack Obama over for dinner at her Sullivan Street townhouse to raise money for the Democratic National Committee. Guests will reportedly include fashion liberals like Calvin Klein and Donna Karan, and other important folk with deep enough pockets to pay for a seat, each of which is rumored to cost $30,000.

If you’re around the Village today, you may see the preparations taking place. The Huffington Post caught police erecting barriers around Sullivan and MacDougal Streets (MacDougal and Sullivan residents share gardens in the back). Bleecker and Thompson Streets were also littered with barricades, and residents in the area were told they’d need photo I.D.s and proof of residence to cross them to get into their homes this evening.

Just after eleven this morning, trucks full of supplies for the evening were seen parked outside of Wintour’s house. From them, helpers were seen unloading big wooden boxes of white flowers and extra air-conditioning units. Of course fanciness is nothing without temperature control, but who do you think is the sweater: Anna or Barack? Or maybe furry Bo? Was he invited for foie gras bones?

Anna Wintour’s House, Neighborhood Prepare For Obama (PHOTOS) [HuffPo]

Streets Are Closing Down in Greenwich Village So Barack Obama Can Dine at Anna Wintour’s House Tonight