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The Writer of Condé Nast’s Elevator Twitter Feed Appears to Have Retired [Updated]

Condé Nast.
Condé Nast. Photo: New York Daily News Archive/1999/Daily News, L.P. (New York)

The hunt has begun for the person responsible for @CondeElevator, a Twitter feed that chronicles the oft-awkward encounters taking place between the floors of 4 Times Square. Most of the tweets are relatively harmless, and seem to be mainly about food (or lack thereof):

Fl 5 Lady peering at her friend’s to-go box of lettuce and carrots: Ooooh, that looks good!


Fl 5 Lady peering at her friend’s to-go box of lettuce and carrots: Ooooh, that looks good!

When they’re not judging each other’s lunches or talking about their fancy outfits, Condé employees are freaking out about the anonymous tweeter in their midst, and have surely done their utmost to be spectacularly witty during elevator rides this week. Of course, they’ve also been trying to figure out who exactly is writing the feed.

Related: Apparently People at Condé Nast Use Elevator Time to Judge Each Other’s Breakfasts
Secrets from Conde elevator [Page Six/NYP]
Let’s Figure Out Who Created the Condé Nast Elevator Twitter Account [Gawker]
Conde Nast HR is “Looking Into” Who’s Behind @CondeElevator [Racked]

The Writer of Condé Nast’s Elevator Twitter Feed Appears to Have Retired [Updated]