The little is-MetLife-breaking-an-old-contract? headfake notwithstanding, Tishman Speyer closed its purchase of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village on Friday. That night, residents of the two mammoth complexes came home to find notes from their new landlords tucked under their apartment doors. It says many of the right things with the hope, no doubt, of assuaging middle-class residents’ fears that they’re going to be forced out. “We are a business with deep roots in New York, a true love of our city and a great respect for the neighborhoods that make it special,” the letter says. “We are committed to maintaining the unique character and environment that have made Peter Cooper Village and Stuyvesant Town such a wonderful place to live for so long.” But what’s most heartwarming about the letter is this: Rob Speyer, the company’s senior managing director and “head of New York,” who signed it, has the signature of a third-grader. Who can be scared of that?
There’s a larger image of the full letter here.