West Chelsea clubs Sol, Pink Elephant, and Crobar were shuttered by the authorities Friday night, and they weren’t the only spots closed down. According to a witness, downtown dance den 205 suffered a similar fate just before midnight that evening. “I was pulling up in a cab, and they were throwing down the gate and there were fifteen cops outside,” the source says. Patrons may have smelled trouble when, the week of the closing, bouncers were stringently cracking down on smoking. (“One more ticket and we’re closed,” one said.) And rumors also circulated that undercover cops were in the club. But employees say illicit activities were not a reason behind the closing and that police searched the club, including bottles and a staffer’s jacket, supposedly looking for paperwork that had not been filed. 205’s lawyer refused to comment, but owner Guy Jacobson indicated that the problem stems from delays in the club’s appointment of a security monitor. “I was kind of happy it happened,” joked Aaron Bondaroff, the club’s creative director and owner of the aNYthing store. “It gave me the weekend off.” —Daniel Maurer
Earlier: 205 to Be Eighty-Sixed?