Ex-CNN anchor Paula Zahn kept a “quite lurid” diary that outlined her secret extra-marital affair with CitiGroup CEO Paul Fribourg, reports “Rush & Molloy.” You remember diaries? The things people used before there were blogs? Well, turns out her husband, Richard Cohen, found the book, which is bad, and then read it to at least one of their kids, which is, you know, worse. This comes on the heels of a lawsuit Zahn filed against Cohen demanding a close examination of the way he invested her money during their marriage. “Friends” of both are blabbing all the tawdry details to the gossip column, trying to make each side look victimized — and boy are these “friends” experts! The pals know what the diary says, what each side is planning in the divorce, how Cohen managed Zahn’s money, and exactly what the anchor was worth when they originally got hitched. Hey … wait a minute. If we didn’t know better, we’d say that Zahn and Cohen both had a hand in this item! But that’s crazy talk — they’d never put their children through anything so embarrassing.
Zahn Spells Out Her Tryst? [NYDN]