We’ve long been confused by what exactly Steve Aoki’s deal is. Does the Benihana heir live here or in L.A.? He’s always here, but then he’s always in L.A.! And is he actually a D.J.? And a record-label owner? And a clothing designer? Or is he really just like the male Asian hipster version of Paris Hilton and all these “business”-type things are really just a sideline to his real gig, which is going to parties and hanging out with famous people? He is friends with Lindsay Lohan, after all. Well. We’re even more confused by his presence on Fashion: The Life, the Pepsi-sponsored online MTV micro-series about start-up designers, since Aoki’s Dim Mak clothing line is actually designed by other people. Hell, even he seems confused: “I’m an artist for art’s sake,” he explains in the first “Webisode.” “My entire goal is because I’m an artist.”
Related: Rocky Aoki’s Family Horror Show