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Blair Bogarts the Weed


If you stare at this bedspread for a really long time it develops all these patterns.Photo: Courtesy CW

Hey, Upper East Siders. Guess what happened over the weekend? Apparently Neel at Radar spotted Blair Waldorf all the way downtown at GoldBar, passing around what looked to be a spliff. (And Neel would know.) Though we’re really pleased to find out that Blair (WHAT? SHUT UP, THAT IS HER NAME) was behaving in character, we were saddened to learn that her pot etiquette is extremely poor. Quoth Radar:

She repeatedly jumped the rotation and awkwardly tried to re-light the dying roach with a candle. The negative influence of date-rapey ne’er-do-well and current infatuation Chuck Bass, no doubt.

Sigh. We couldn’t agree more.

Life Imitates Art for Stoney Gossip Girl [Radar]

Blair Bogarts the Weed