Leven Rambin, the 17-year-old soap star, has landed a role in the new Lipstick Jungle series. She plays an actress, so it couldn’t have been much of a stretch. At the Saks party celebrating the new show, she said she prepared for her role by studying all her gay best friends. “They were like, ‘This girl’s over the top! She’s dramatic, she’s mood-swingy, she’s bitchy, she’s out of control!’ And I was like, ‘Hmmm … who do I know?’” So, who does she know? “I have one person in mind, but I don’t want to say his name. I already told him he was my inspiration, and he’s very, like, proud of that,” she said. At this point, Rambin left us, dashed across the red carpet and wrapped Über-dandy Patrick McDonald in a hug, and exclaimed, “Patrick! You better work!” Aha! Did she base her character on McDonald? “No, no no! This one is, like, she’s flamboyant,” said Rambin. “She’s like, all over the place.” Wait, “she”? Leven, we wondered, are you a fag hag? “I would say so. He says I’m the youngest one he knows.” —Bennett Marcus
[Ed. note: We just realized that we don’t like the term fag hag anymore. It’s kind of derogatory to the woman. What if she, like Levin Rambin, is young and pretty? Commenters, can you please help us find a replacement term? Like, Queer Dear? Fairy Mary? Gay JonBenét? Seriously, work (on) it!]