There are four actor brothers in the Baldwin family: Daniel, Stephen, Alec, and Billy. Generally we concern ourselves with just Alec, because we love 30 Rock, and sometimes he says appalling things to his children. But occasionally, one of the other ones does something noteworthy. Today, that’s Dirty Sexy Money star William Baldwin, who calls his born-again brother, Stephen, to task for being homophobic and for trying to be political without knowing anything about politics. The following is a quote from an interview that just popped up on
I asked him, “Do you think a gay couple should be married? And if not, do you think they deserve access to the same rights on a federal level and state level that you do? And if you don’t — are they some lesser form? Why don’t they deserve the same rights and privileges that you do?” [And he responds,] “Because God said and the Bible says that marriage is an institution that exists solely between a man and a woman blah blah blah,” and he falls behind that crap.
And I said, “Well if you had a choice — if you and your wife were to die and your kids were still young and you had a choice between your children being in foster care and potentially being physically and emotionally and sexually abused as opposed to being adopted by a loving, healthy, caring lesbian or gay couple, what would you rather have?” He couldn’t really answer, and I said, “Thank God Dad isn’t here on this earth right now, because he would be so devastated and so horrified.”
If you’ve ever imagined, as we’re sure you have at one point or another, what the Baldwin-family dinner table is like, this is probably a little preview. Kind of less annoying than you thought, huh?
Not His Brother’s Keeper [Out]