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Does Rachel Maddow Need to ‘Straighten’ Up?

Rachel Maddow

Photo: Getty Images (Couric body), wikipedia (Maddow)

Did anybody notice that “Page Six” had a sorta sexist item about new MSNBC host Rachel Maddow today? Here’s a section:

A source says an entire “glam squad” has been hired for the openly gay Maddow, and she has been asked not to wear her Drew Carey–esque glasses again. There’s even talk of “putting her in a skirt.” We’re sure that’ll do the trick.

The item is titled “WAY TO SKIRT THE ISSUE.” We get the “skirt” pun, but what “issue” is it exactly that they are avoiding? That she’s a lesbian and thereby inherently unappealing? That’s not cool.

In the column’s defense, it claims the story comes from MSNBC sources. But given its occasionally line-crossing machismo toward women reporters and bizarre obsession with making the network look bad, combined with MSNBC’s increasingly namby-pamby liberal lean, we’re not so sure we buy it.

Nevertheless, we’ve helpfully juxtaposed a photo of Maddow in her natural appearance with one that “Page Six”/MSNBC would allegedly prefer. (If you can’t tell, it’s her head Photoshopped onto Katie Couric’s glorious, leggy body.) Last week we expressed hesitation about her shoe choice, but general approval of her look altogether. Do you think she needs a makeover?

Earlier: Rachel Maddow’s Shoes: Discuss

Does Rachel Maddow Need to ‘Straighten’ Up?