This weekend the Times kind of buried their story about Rudy Giuliani’s gubernatorial aspirations. (How could it compete with the Jump Rope Girls? No, seriously.) But in it, we learned that basically every important Republican in the state thinks that Rudy can, should, and will run for governor of New York in 2010. This would be, of course, if McCain doesn’t give him a cabinet position for all of his hard work as a surrogate. For his story, reporter Danny Hakim spoke to state GOP chairman Joseph Mondello, Republican congressman Peter King, Guy Molinari, Dean Skelos, and state senators Martin Golden and Thomas Libous, all of whom think Giuliani would take down all comers. But what about David Paterson, our beloved cuddle-guv?? Well, the only Democrat quoted in the article, Assemblyman Keith Wright, had these words of wisdom: “It would be Luke Skywalker against Darth Vader, and the force would be with our governor.”
Hmmm. It’s not quite parallel, but we guess “it would be like the Emperor versus Lando Calrissian” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Governor Giuliani? Some State Republicans Are Hoping He’ll Try [NYT]
Related: Anti-Bloomie Lawyer Did Giuliani Time [NYM]