After the warning shots we read about yesterday, Michael Bloomberg is unleashing a full barrage of campaign ads to cow potential competitors in the mayoral race. The Times reports that Hizzoner will put up $3 million for a series of ads in English and Spanish to broadcast for two weeks. They’re upbeat ads, focusing on economic solutions. According to the paper, the cost of the blitz “exceeds the combined spending by all of his Democratic rivals since the start of the current election cycle, in 2006.” It also may be the biggest and most expensive ad buy in the political history of the city. With the election eight months away, it’s early in the game to start so strong. The price tag’s representation of nearly half the total budget competitors will be able to spend if they accept public financing only adds to the impression that this ad buy is directed at them, rather than at convincing the public (which maintains an approval-rating percentage in the sixties for the mayor). “After eight years in office, they obviously feel this is necessary,” potential rival Anthony Weiner said. “The question should be, why?” Oh, Anthony. You know that feeling you had when you read about this? The one right between your stomach and the inseam of your high-waisted jeans? The one that made you make the Activia face? That’s why they felt it was necessary.
Bloomberg Spends $3 Million on TV Ads in Mayoral Race [NYT]
Earlier: Bloomberg Accused of Push-Polling … for the Third Straight Election [NYT]