Apparently, while vice-president Joe Biden was in the city earlier this week insulting the Yankees and buying $2,400 suits, he found time to try to convince Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney not to campaign against unelected senator Kirsten Gillibrand in a Democratic primary. But unlike the threatening and cajoling of Congressman Steve Israel, it doesn’t seem to have worked. Congressional Quarterly reported last night that Maloney would announce a primary challenge to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand this morning, and though morning has come and gone with nary a peep, it seems to be only a matter of time before Maloney makes it official. The Upper East Sider recently began staffing up, reports City Hall, and according to the aforementioned CQ report, she has been telling colleagues she plans to run. The White House won’t like it, but would it really be so awful if New York Democrats got to choose their candidate? After all, President Obama, more than anyone, knows that sometimes an insurgent primary campaign against the party’s establishment candidate can work out pretty well in the end.