Has the absence of a new episode of Gossip Girl last night, plus the added dampener of no new reality index this morning, left you feeling listless and empty? Purposeless? Adrift in a sea of Real News? As though the narrative of your own life has been interrupted? Well, God. What kind of shallow loser are you? Ha, just kidding! We missed those overly made-up CW hussies, too. Which is why today we’ve decided to hold a Gossip Girl caption contest. Above is a shot from next week’s episode (which appears to be Thanksgiving-themed, despite the holiday being this week — minus 10 in advance). Come up with a caption or a short description of what could be going on at this probably awkward holiday meal and stick it in the comments. The winner, which we’ll announce by 1 p.m. tomorrow, gets the Claw, courtesy of Daily Intel.
UPDATE, 1:30 pm. After an
hours-long heated debate in the Daily Intel Situation Room, in which not one but two headbands were snapped in half, we have finally decided on not only a winner, but two runners-up. First place gets the Claw, while second and third-place winners will recieve a copy of Gossip Girl costume designer Eric Daman’s You Know You Want It. And without further ado:
brigidmarie for:
Dan can’t quite match the Abrams’ enthusiasm for another round of “Why
We Are Morally Superior To Everyone Here.”
spazzy for:
The words of wise Nate Archibald: The third person is supposed to be A STRANGER!
phillipl for:
Part of Vanessa’s weave achieves sentience and reaches out for Dan’s sweet, supple skin.
Winners, contact us at intel[AT]nymag.com subject line CYRUS ROSE so we can send you your prizes. And imposters, don’t even try it. We can tell.