So today the Observer published a write-around profile of Lucas van Praag, our favorite tart-tongued Goldman Sachs spokesman. This begat a CNBC gabfest about Goldman’s ye olde “image problem,” and even inspired Gawker to call for Van Praag’s head. Because, we dunno, understanding currency swaps and their role in the European debacle and determining who was actually responsible for writing/exchanging them/approving the writing and exchanging of them: hard. Holding a spokesman accountable for an “image problem”: easy!
Whatever, haters. First of all it is not his fault, secondly, he can’t help sounding tart and plummy and hilarious when he rebuts stories, he is British! The rest of you, feel free to make this image your screen saver, or pin it to your collar, to show you believe that if big businesses are going to issue denials, they should at least do it in style.