equal rites

Laura Bush: Gay Marriage ‘Is Coming’

On Larry King Live last night, King interviewed former First Lady Laura Bush about her book Spoken From the Heart. During their chat, he asked her about gay marriage. Here’s how it went down:

Laura Bush:”I think that there are a lot of people who have trouble coming to terms with that because they see marriage traditionally as between a man and a woman — but also know that, when couples are committed to each other and love each other they ought to have, I think, the same sort of rights that everyone has.
Larry King: “So would that be an area where you disagree?”
Laura Bush: “I guess that would be an area where we disagree. I understand totally what George thinks about marriage being between a man and a woman, and it’s a real, um, really, reversal of that to accept gay marriage … ”
Larry King: “But you do?”
Laura Bush: “But I think we could, yeah. I think it’s a generational thing that will slowly … “
Larry King: “But it’s coming?”
Laura Bush: “But it will come.”

It sounds so reasonable when a nice-seeming, lovely mother figure says it, doesn’t it?

Laura Bush: Gay Marriage ‘Is Coming’