Facebook groups, Shmacebook groups. Syracuse students have figured out the real way to get Jamie Dimon’s attention during the JPMorgan CEO’s commencement speech this weekend.
Mariel Fiedler will attend commencement. She will wear her cap and gown. She will walk across the stage. She will revel in the fact that four years of hard work has paid off.
And when JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon gets on stage to give his commencement address, she won’t say a word in protest. Instead, she’ll protest his presence in a silent way — by taking off her robe.
“I’ll sit there and listen to him, but I won’t be wearing my robe when that happens,” Fiedler said.
Did anyone else just hear that loud and powerful “Fuck yeah!” coming from Park Avenue?
Commencement 2010 | Student protestors plan to take off graduation robes during Dimon’s address [Daily Orange]
Did anyone else just hear that loud and powerful “Fuck yeah!” coming from Park Avenue?
Commencement 2010 | Student protestors plan to take off graduation robes during Dimon’s address [Daily Orange]