Unfortunately for opponents of the Islamic community center planned for a site two blocks from ground zero including the Anti-Defamation League, which is apparently taking a breather from securing “justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike” the Landmarks Preservation Commission hasn’t forgotten that its job is to “safeguard the city’s historic, aesthetic, and cultural heritage,” not to decide which religions are prohibitively scary. According to the Daily News, the Commission will vote unanimously tomorrow to not grant landmark status to the 151-year-old building at 51 Park Place, because, as one “source” says, “The building is not worthy. It does not rise to the level of an individual landmark.” The vote will clear a path for construction to begin whenever the developers are ready to get started, and force certain Republican politicians to eventually find some other issue to demagogue.
Landmark Preservation Committee expected to OK mosque construction near Ground Zero [NYDN]