early and awkward

Christine O’Donnell Thought She Nailed First Amendment Debate

In a debate between Chris Coons and Christine O’Donnell earlier this week, both Delaware Senate candidates were shown to be lacking in their familiarity with the First Amendment. O’Donnell couldn’t remember what the Fourteenth and Sixteenth Amendments were, and doubted, even after the relevant passage was quoted to her, that the First Amendment prevented Congress from establishing a religion — the basis for the separation of church and state. As for Coons, later in the debate he declined to recite the five freedoms the First Amendment guarantees. Who fared worse? Probably O’Donnell, since she matched Coons on the “not remembering stuff” part, but also, as Slate’s William Saletan writes, “was repeatedly presented with a correct answer and repeatedly rejected it.”

But Christine O’Donnell’s perspective on the First Amendment back-and-forth was quite different. It wasn’t an embarrassment for her, or even a draw. It was an astounding success!

To be fair, we’re pretty sure O’Donnell and her team are “all like what?” a lot.

ABC News Exclusive: Christine O’Donnell Stands Her Ground on First Amendment Statement, Blames Media for Distortions [ABC News]

Christine O’Donnell Thought She Nailed First Amendment Debate