Twenty-two-year-old Christina Walsh, the woman who was forced to lock herself in Charlie Sheen’s bathroom at the Plaza during his “overblown” “allergic reaction” to some pills he’d been taking, angrily denies the police’s attempt to characterize her as a hooker. She was just a girl who met a guy who asked her to go up to his hotel room. Yesterday, Walsh’s two pay sites, Club Capri Anderson and Club Alexis Walsh, both linked to the article that outed her identity as a porn star. Walsh has also acted, it’s probably safe to say “erotically,” under the screen name Alexis Capri. It’s like the Mad Libs of porn names: Mediterranean isle plus word that evokes implants. More important, just consider how terrifying the sight of a naked, highly allergic Charlie Sheen ranting about his stolen goods as he was inflicting $7,000 worth of damage to a hotel room must have been if Walsh was able to make it through the production of Filthy’s First Taste 7 but Sheen made her fear for her safety. There is a reason that man is the highest-paid actor on American television.
Charlie Sheen’s mystery date during his Plaza rampage was a porn star [NYP]