Yesterday afternoon, the “suspended indefinitely” MSNBC talk-show host and small-time Democratic donor broke his silence with a tweet:
Greetings From Exile! A quick, overwhelmed, stunned THANK YOU for support that feels like a global hug & obviously left me tweetless XO
And now the exile is over.
And now the exile is over.
A few hours later, Phil Griffin, the hard-charging president of MSNBC, said in a statement that Olbermann would be allowed to return:
When he comes back, there’s a good possibility that he’ll be contrite, mellow, fumbling for a new feeling of cooperation and bi-partisanship. He’s already halfway there: His new signoff is “XO,” apparently.
Keith Olbermann Will Return To MSNBC Tuesday [Mediaite]
Keith Olbermann’s Twitter [Keith Olbermann/Twitter]