The busy beavers over in 1211 Avenue of the Americas are going to have to keep chewing away at the news out of sight for a few weeks: News Corp. boss Rupert Murdoch and Apple CEO Steve Jobs have decided to delay the launch of Murdoch’s tablet-only newspaper, The Daily. (It had been set to launch next Wednesday, with a glam presentation featuring Jobs and Murdoch at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.) The delay, according to AllThingsD’s Peter Kafka, was decided upon to give Apple enough time to clean up the subscription service they’re set to announce for publications sold through iTunes. The delay will be “for weeks, not months,” Kafka hears, but the announcement is no doubt frustrating for Daily staff members, who have been producing content as though the product was already in service for some time now.
A Delay for the Daily: Apple, News Corp. Push Back Launch Date [AllThingsD]