First they came for our Manderson, then they came for every other American anchor in Egypt. Apparently seeking out Al Jazeera reporters for a beating and walloping our blue-eyed boy ten times in succession was not enough to sate the mobs of pro-Mubarak supporters who turned the peaceful pro-democracy protests in Tahrir Square into something resembling a war zone. They encroached in on Katie Couric with menacing stares and chants as she reported live this morning. Then they told Christiane Amanpour they hated her and smashed her windshield. Even Vice staffers’ hipster mullets and masculinity did not emerge unscathed. At least American news networks have gotten some of their hard-hitting sheen back from Al Jazeera English, whose comprehensive live coverage has dominated the story. Be careful, guys. It looks like it’s going to be a long night in Cairo.
Cameras roll as Cooper, crew attacked [CNN]
White House Calls For Restraint Amid Attacks on Media, Demonstrators in Egypt [CBS News]
Media Become a Target as Egypt Protests Turn Violent [ABC via Gawker]
Non-Fancy Reporters Also Getting Pushed Around in Egypt [Gawker]
Related: Anderson Cooper Went to Egypt, Got Punched in the Head