Today’s Twitter celebrity is a random soccer-playing stoner named Jason Castillo, who happens to own the account associated with the name of Netflix’s new business, Qwikster. The DVD spinoff of the now all-streaming rental service is not only an ugly word, it’s an unoriginal one, used by our new friend Jason to send nineteen tweets between April 29 and August 16 of this year, eight of which contain the creatively spelled curse, shyt. (Jason has been bored, mad, hungry, sore, tired, and bored “as shyt”; English class is “about boring as shyt.”) Other 140-character gems include, “I’m about hungry as shyt but my dad doesn’t want to buy me food lik wtf,” and, after the killing of Osama Bin Laden, “U.S.A U.S.A U.S.A YEAH BUDDY,” all stamped with an adorable avatar that shows Elmo puffing on a large joint.
Jason has yet to respond to his newfound fame on Twitter, but has gained over 1,000 followers since last night, in addition to nonstop @-replies. (The company also failed to secure its new brand on Tumblr.)
As we’ve seen with occupied corporate accounts in the past, Netflix will likely have to go through Twitter in an attempt to assume control of the name. If the account has been abandoned, it could be handed over, but the fact that Jason used it about a month ago could complicate the process. Although selling names is against the official Twitter terms of service, perhaps Jason could trade: Just imagine, unlimited streaming of every Cartoon Network program for life.
Previously: Netflix to Split DVD and Streaming Services Into Separate Businesses [NYM]
@Qwikster [Twitter]