scandal-stained wretches

Phone-Hacking Lawsuits Against News Corp. Coming to New York

Lawyers for phone-hacking victims in the U.K. said today they’ve joined forces with a New York–based law firm in an attempt to pursue domestic action against News Corporation, an American company. With Rupert Murdoch’s British papers, under the News International wing, ensnared in government inquiries and paying out settlements to victims, the possibility that the company broke U.S.-based corruption laws, too, presents a whole new headache. Local attorney Norman Siegel will investigate the still unproven claim that News Corp. journalists listened to voice mails connected to the victims of 9/11, and will look into “foreign malpractices,” including the payment of bribes to government or police officials abroad, which runs afoul of federal law. British lawyer Mark Lewis, who represents the family of Milly Dowler and other phone-hacking victims, said he will consider filing a class action lawsuit.

Phone hacking: Dowler lawyer pursues US legal action against News Corp [Guardian UK]
Phone Hacking: Lawyers To Launch US Action [Sky News]

Phone-Hacking Lawsuits Against News Corp. Coming to New York