occupy the world

Today Is Officially Occupy the World Day

Today, coordinated Occupy Wall Street–inspired demonstrations were popping up around the world, no fewer than 951 of them in 82 countries going by United for Global Change, a protest clearinghouse of sorts with unclear links to the almost-monthlong New York City movement.

October 15th the world will be under our influence. It will become whatever we want.

That’s from the group’s site, picking today (deliberately or not) to coincide with a G20 summit of finance ministers in Paris and less than 24 hours after the Zuccotti Park occupiers claimed “victory” over the city — an unlicensed 5 p.m. demonstration in Times Square is planned for today. In Rome, however, things got a little dicey. Eyewitness reports from the rally — with attendance in the tens of thousands, according to Reuters — saw Molotov cocktails thrown, cars lit on fire, and protesters targeting buildings belonging to the country’s interior and defense ministries.

That’s from the group’s site, picking today (deliberately or not) to coincide with a G20 summit of finance ministers in Paris and less than 24 hours after the Zuccotti Park occupiers claimed “victory” over the city — an unlicensed 5 p.m. demonstration in Times Square is planned for today. In Rome, however, things got a little dicey. Eyewitness reports from the rally — with attendance in the tens of thousands, according to Reuters — saw Molotov cocktails thrown, cars lit on fire, and protesters targeting buildings belonging to the country’s interior and defense ministries.

This video from the Telegraph shows burning cars and smoke billowing from several buildings, including a bank branch.

Occupy protests spread to cities around the world [CNN]
Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome [Reuters]
15october: #United we will re-invent the world [United for Global Change]

Today Is Officially Occupy the World Day