The local media is treating the “babyccino” story like that last sip of grainy, cold coffee at the bottom of the cup — forcing it down, even though it should just be left alone. Two days ago the Brooklyn Paper told us about the silly coffee drink for kids, which is mostly just steamed milk put in a tiny cup so children can feel like their parents. Whatever, kids are cute and we give them all sorts of stupid things that they may not even want and certainly don’t need; it makes adults feel better and gives us something to photograph on our iPhones. We giggled at the article because some parents said ridiculous stuff. That should have been it. Instead, a few journalists decided the story needed a follow-up, or they just stole it outright.
Yesterday, the Daily published their version of the story with no mention of the Brooklyn Paper, even though the article contained no new information and even cited the same hip neighborhood coffee shops. Headline: “A cup o’ joey.” The first sentence mentions juice being passé (just like we did).
Today, the New York Post has their own babyccino article mentioning the same Brooklyn neighborhoods, but giving no indication that this “trend” is new or spreading. In the fifteenth paragraph, the Post mentions Brooklyn Paper and lifts a quote. (“Our children love babyccinos!”) Headline: “Make it a double tot! Brooklyn buzz over kid coffees.” The first sentence mentions juice being passé.
The Daily News did it too, taking the same exact quote from the Brooklyn Paper, but skipping the juice joke. Headline: “Tots in Park Slope Brooklyn are loving their fake cappuccinos.”
You’d think this story was a big deal unless you actually read the articles, in which case you learned exactly nothing not contained in the original. The real takeaway: Newspapers are basically blogs with fewer jokes and no links.