On February 6, Yair Rozmaryn, a 29-year-old Upper West Sider, bought a Jeremy Lin rookie basketball card on eBay for $1,000. It was a unique card — one of only 25 of its kind, and it included an autograph and a swatch of jersey — but still, at that time, Lin had started just a single game for the Knicks, and Linsanity had yet to rock the very foundations of our society. For all anyone knew at that time, Lin could be back riding the bench in a few days. But Rozmaryn recently explained, “I saw a lot of potential in him.”
Today, just two weeks later, he sold the card on eBay for $21,580. According to Rozmaryn’s LinkedIn profile, his occupation is something called “Service Delivery Manager/Sr. Recruiter,” but maybe it’s time he started picking stocks.