For years people have been telling the KKK, “Hey, quit being racist monsters and making the world a more violent, hateful place, why don’t ya?” But now Georgia’s KKK wants to clean a highway, and the state doesn’t like that either; it might even shut down the 23-year-old Adopt-a-Highway program entirely to avoid a legal battle with the white supremacist group. This is just so unfair, says Harley Hanson, the Georgia Klan’s “exalted cyclops,” whatever the hell that means:
“We just want to clean up the doggone road,” the 34-year-old electrician from Blairsville, said in an interview with the AJC. “We’re not going to be out there in robes.”
However, they do plan to incinerate piles of trash at the foot of a giant, flaming cross. Hope that’s cool.