Mitt and Ann Romney invited Fox News Sunday to their New Hampshire summer home for a humanizing, pre-RNC interview this morning, and a few sort of unusual things happened. First — and most importantly — the candidate revealed that he’s into at least one weird food combination: During the opening segment, which featured him cooking a breakfast for host Chris Wallace, Mitt “dug in” to a meal of peanut butter-topped pancakes. (Ann, for her part, offered the journalist syrup options from both New Hampshire and Vermont, complete with swing state jokes.) Once everyone was served, the couple did their best to show off some of their more normal traits.
Mitt praised Costco (he likes the store’s “great produce” and discounted Kirkland shirts) and Ann was quick to point out that her husband often did the family’s grocery shopping back in 2002, when he was heading the Salt Lake City Olympics and she was bedridden with MS. When Wallace observed that he hadn’t noticed any maids or cooks around the house (maybe they get Sundays off?), Ann said the two “like to do our own things” and added, “I think Mitt ironed his own shirt this morning. I noticed he was doing the laundry last night.”
Romney stuck with the “helping women” theme as the conversation moved toward less weighty matters. Despite months of attempting to distance himself from the Obamacare-like health care overhaul he enacted as governor of Massachusetts, the candidate’s attitude toward the program appears to have changed in the last few days as part of a new effort to reach out to female voters. ”With regards to women’s health care, look, I’m the guy that was able to get health care for all the women and men in my state,” he told volunteered. When Wallace followed up by asking, “So you’re saying, look at Romneycare?” Romney responded, “Absolutely. I’m very proud of what we did. And the fact that we helped women and men and children in our state.” Andrea Saul, you are officially redeemed.