New York is one of the most competitive newspaper markets in the world so tales of cooperation between competitors, such as the teamwork that has seen the New York Daily News operate post-Sandy, are distinctly rare. The Daily News offices, which sit far downtown where some of the worst flooding happened, were hit hard by the storm, and its Jersey City printing presses have been without power since. The fact they’ve been able to get out a paper at all is reminiscent of the Wall Street Journal’s miraculous Sept. 12, 2001 edition. But as the Journal reports, the News has had lots of unlikely help: “The New York Times, Newsday, the Newark Star-Ledger, Bergen Record and Hartford Courant have all agreed to help print copies of the tabloid daily and some of the company’s other commercial-printing work while it waits for power in Jersey City to be restored.” The AP and Jewish Week have offered office space and technology, News ECO Bill Holiber told the Journal. The only thing keeping this from being the feel-good newspaper industry story of the decade is the absence of News arch-rival New York Post in that list of collaborators. But then hell really would have to have frozen over.