gun control

Chris Christie Opposes Turning Schools Into ‘Armed Camps for Kids’

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who in July said his state had “enough gun laws,” thinks NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre’s mostly poorly received proposal to put an armed guard in every school is both crazy and not even crazy enough to work. “Listen I don’t necessarily think having an armed guard outside every classroom is conducive to a positive learning environment,” Chris said during a Newark press conference. “But let me just say in general I don’t think that the solution to safety in schools is putting [in an] armed guard – because for it to be really effective in my view, from a law enforcement perspective, you’d have to have an armed guard outside every classroom. [And] you don’t want to make this an armed camp for kids. I don’t think that’s a positive example for children.” He concluded by calling the NRA’s plan “the easy way out,” saying, “We should be able to figure out some other ways to enhance safety it seems to me.” Thankfully, it seems that the aforementioned “law enforcement perspective”-friendly idea isn’t what he has in mind. 

Christie Opposes NRA’s Armed Schools Guards Plan