This is shocking, but billionaire Michael Bloomberg is just not that into graffiti. “I’ll leave it up to our Department of Cultural Affairs,” he said at a press conference today, according to Politicker, when asked about Banksy’s NYC residency. “But look, graffiti does ruin people’s property and it’s a sign of decay and loss of control.” He went on, as he does, to say, “Nobody’s a bigger supporter of the arts than I am. I just think there are some places for art and there are some places [not for] art. And you running up to somebody’s property or public property and defacing it is not my definition of art. Or it may be art, but it should not be permitted. And I think that’s exactly what the law says.” Not for long! Under Mayor De Blasio, hoodlums will be allowed — nay, required — to spray their paint in rich people’s apartments and the halls of the Met. Class war is coming.