The holidays are coming up, so carpetbagging Wyoming Senate candidate and the elder of Dick Cheney’s two daughters, Liz, figured it would be a good time to once again discuss her opposition to her sister Mary’s marriage to a woman. During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Liz responded to a question about gay marriage by saying, “I love Mary very much, I love her family very much. This is just an issue on which we disagree.”
As she did the last time this happened, Mary criticized Liz’s comments on Facebook. “Liz – this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree, you’re just wrong – and on the wrong side of history,” she wrote. Her wife, Heather Poe, got some harsher words in:
For the record, even their very conservative father approves of the union, and he does not even have a pulse.
Update: The sisters continued their argument on Sunday evening, with the New York Times acting as the messenger. Liz Cheney said in an e-mail to the paper, “I love my sister and her family and have always tried to be compassionate towards them. I believe that is the Christian way to behave.”
Mary Cheney confirmed in a phone interview that the holidays are going to be awkward. Her parents, who are “stuck in an awful position,” will spend Thanksgiving at her home. The whole family will head to Wyoming for Christmas, but Mary said of her sister, “I will not be seeing her.”
In the meantime, Mary plans to keep hammering her sister on her public opposition to gay marriage. Per The Times:
Reminded by a reporter that such criticism could complicate her sister’s Senate campaign, Mary Cheney offered a clipped answer reminiscent of her father’s terse style. “O.K.,” she said, before letting silence fill the air.