Barack Obama, David Cameron, and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt made the Selfies at Funerals Tumblr today on a stretch — it was actually Nelson Mandela’s memorial service, not technically a funeral — but that should take nothing away from the magical, modern image. 2013 could not have ended without it. Michelle Obama, meanwhile, was definitely in her zone.
The wonderfully expressive — some would say shade-throwing — First Lady was not in on the world-leader powwow, allowing the Internet to construct a narrative around her. In still photos, Obama and Thorning-Schmidt smiled, while Michelle, perhaps owing to the serious occasion, did not:
And while video from the event shows Barack sitting next to his Danish colleague, with Michelle to his left …
At some point, for some reason, the Obamas switched places:
Now surely there is a practical explanation for the musical chairs — perhaps the president got up to speak or use the bathroom and Michelle decided to scoot over for a friendly chat. Yes, that must be it.