The third and final video of base jumpers secretly leaping from the top of the World Trade Center in September was posted online Monday night, just in time for a court appearance by the three friends. Marko Markovich, 27, James Brady, 32, and Andrew Rossig, 33, are set to be arraigned on Tuesday on burglary and trespassing charges. “There’s no question over what happened that night so there’s no reason to hide behind it,” Markovich’s lawyer, Timothy Parlatore, said of the latest video, which directs viewers to a website where they can donate to the jumpers’ defense fund. The first half of the new clip from Markovich’s helmet cam is similar to the other videos, but his jump seems less stressful (for a potentially fatal stunt). Markovich landed in a park on the Hudson River, not in the middle of the street, and captured more picturesque views of the tower.