The NYPD officers seen beating on a Brooklyn teenager in surveillance footage last month were indicted today by a grand jury, the New York Post reports. According to the Daily News, Officers David Afanador and Tyrane Isaac will face charges of assault and official misconduct when they are arraigned tomorrow in Brooklyn Supreme Court for attacking the unarmed 16-year-old during an arrest in August. (The Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases, meanwhile, are still pending … )
Kahreem Tribble allegedly tossed a bag of marijuana before running away from the cops. But the clip shows the teenager stopping to surrender as Isaac takes a swing at his face. Afanador then runs up and hits Tribble in the mouth with his gun.
“As usual, the video fails to capture the offense that resulted in police action or the lengthy foot pursuit that culminated in the arrest,” said a rep for the police union at the time. “Situations like this one happen in real time under great stress. It’s very easy to be judgmental in the comfort of an office while sitting in front of a video screen.” Now we’ll see how easy it is for a jury.