Sixty-six-year-old Jimmy Ware’s Saint Paul, Minnesota, home was destroyed in a devastating fire. He lost everything, including all of the TVs in his house. One thing he didn’t lose, even when he tried to? His Comcast service!
According to the Pioneer Press, Ware’s daughter Jessica Schmidt called Comcast several times trying to disconnect his service, but Comcast demanded she provide them with the account number. When she told them it was lost in the fire and provided his Social Security number instead, Comcast still refused to cancel the service.
“I’ve said to Comcast, ‘Here’s your choice, disconnect the service or send someone out to fix the cable, because it’s not working,’ ” Schmidt told the Pioneer Press. “The (Comcast) guy said, ‘That doesn’t make sense, because the house burned down.’ I said, ‘Exactly, shut the service off.’ ”
Several days after making her initial requests, Comcast’s corporate office finally responded to Schmidt, apologizing for the inconvenience and retroactively canceling Ware’s service beginning the day of the fire.
Anybody considering burning their home down as a surefire way to finally ditch Comcast service better also be prepared to haggle.