who run the world (girls)

Beyoncé Attended a Hillary Clinton Fund-raising Event Last Night

Beyoncé showed up at a Hillary Clinton fund-raiser in New York last night, according to the Daily News. The event was hosted by Epic Records CEO LA Reid, a longtime friend and Jay Z producer, at his home in Manhattan, and only cost a paltry $2,700 per person to attend.

Other celebs like Meghan Trainor and Sharon Osbourne also attended, adding their names to the growing roster of celebrities who have publicly endorsed Hill

This is Hillary reading a text from me that says "with you every step of the way, gurl" #mypresident

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

And let’s not forget Ja Rule, or the women who work at the Las Vegas Bunny Ranch.

As for Beyoncé, it’s nice that the queen is taking an interest in an inferior title such as the presidency.

Beyoncé Attends Hillary Clinton Fund-raiser