In an unexpected press conference on Tuesday, FIFA president Sepp Blatter announced that he will resign. Blatter won a fifth term as head of the international soccer organization last Friday, days after the U.S. Justice Department arrested several of FIFA’s top officials.
After his victory, he said, “I am the president of everybody, I am the president of the whole FIFA. This game is important, but more important, enjoy life!”
Blatter said today that he will announce an extra congress to pick his replacement. “I will not stand,” he said. “I am now free from the constraints of an election. I will be in a position to focus on profound reforms. For many years, we have called for reforms. But these are not sufficient.”
“My mandate,” he added, “does not appear to be supported by everybody.”
However, the new FIFA president, who will be the first new one since 1998, will likely not be picked until December or next year.
Greg Dyke, chair of the Football Association, told reporters, “He’s gone. At long last we can sort out FIFA. We can go back to looking at those two World Cups. If I were Qatar right now I wouldn’t be feeling very comfortable.”
On Twitter, there was much rejoicing — and slow-clapping for America.