Good morning and welcome to Fresh Intelligence, our roundup of the stories, ideas, and memes you’ll be talking about today. In this edition, New York will raise the minimum wage, Trump pulls off an Olympic-level backpedal, and surge pricing will have its day in court. Here’s the rundown for Friday, April 1.
The storms that have been wreaking havoc in the South this week are moving west bringing their thunder, hail, and even tornadoes into the Carolinas. In New York, after today’s high temperatures and thunderstorms, the weekend will get colder but stay wet. [Weather.com]
As Usual New York Follows California’s Lead
Following a similar move in California, New York is planning to raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour. The agreement was included in the state’s budget that was approved yesterday and guarantees wages will reach $15 in New York City by the end of 2018. By then minimum-wage earners will be nearly halfway toward being able to afford to live there. Other areas outside the city including affluent Westchester County will have almost six years to raise wages. [NYT]
Trump in His Element: A Hostile Meeting
Donald Trump met with Republican National Convention Chairman Reince Priebus yesterday for about thirty minutes — thirty minutes in which they carefully did not talk about anything of any significance and certainly not about the piecemeal destruction of Priebus’ life’s work by Mr. Trump.
China, U.S. Sign Pledge Too Late to Do Any Good, Expect Praise
At a side meeting during yesterday’s nuclear summit in Washington President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jingping both agreed that they would sign the Paris Accord on climate change in April. Global warming is now solved. [BBC]
Ben Carson: America’s Least-Aware Whistle Blower
The American Democracy Legal Fund, a political accountability group backed by Hillary Clinton supporters, has filed an official complaint with the Justice Department alleging that Ben Carson illegally agreed to support the Donald Trump campaign in exchange for a political appointment, because Ben Carson said that’s what happened on all kinds of TV talk shows. [Politico]
Complete Misspeak: The Donald Trump Story
Donald Trump’s bicycle finally broke…from backpedaling! The Trump campaign executed a total about-face yesterday. His spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, said on CNN that Trump’s comments were a “complete misspeak.” It’s not an apology, or even a noun, but it’s something. [The Guardian]
Uber: Modern Convenience or Criminal Conspiracy?
A Manhattan judge yesterday ruled that a class-action lawsuit against Uber would go forward. The suit claims Uber illegally coordinates its surge pricing in a conspiracy to gouge passengers, a practice Uber describes as its business model. [Bloomberg]
Jobless Rate at Two-Month High
U.S. jobless claims reached a two-month high this week. Jobless claims have been at a level economists believe signifies an unhealthy labor market for a full 56 weeks, which is the longest run in more than four decades. [WSJ]
Federal Government Acknowledges the Poor
In a closely contested vote that split along party lines, federal regulators will expand the Lifeline Program, a system that provides subsidized phone service to the poor and got its start under Reagan, to include internet access. [CNet]
Theranos Goes from Success to Success
Controversies are piling up for amateur phlebotomists Theranos. A recently released report found the lab used under-trained staff to store blood in substandard facilities, where they tested it often with dubious results. Other than that everyone did a great job. [The Verge]
Jay Z Accuses Media Company of Pulling a Jay Z
Jay Z is trying to to get some of his money back, claiming the media company from which he bought his music-streaming business, Tidal, falsely inflated the number of subscribers it had. Now they know: lying about how good Tidal is is a job best left to Jay Z. [Bloomberg]
The New York Times Taps Proven Cash Cow: Podcasts
The New York Times is getting into the podcast game, putting together a new team tasked with creating a whole raft of new news and opinion podcasts. Now all it has to do is sit back and cash the checks. [NiemanLab]
Cosby Exhibit Moved to Hall of Famous Alleged Rapists
After a loud and protracted uproar, the brand new National Museum of African American History and Culture has agreed to include information on Bill Cosby’s many, many rape allegations alongside his accomplishments in its “Taking the Stage” exhibition.
Chaos as Customers Clamor For New iPhone
The new iPhone SE was released yesterday, and Twitter filled with pictures of Apple stores conspicuous for their total lack of customers.
We just don’t know what to say. This thing costs $699. This whole concept is downright pre-apocalyptic. [The Verge]
Man Beaten by People Who Probably Would Have Agreed With Him
A man holding a “Death to America” sign near a busy road in Middleburg, Florida, was beaten by multiple people who probably didn’t know the sign was intended — somehow — to protest “President Obama signing executive orders allowing Syrian refugees who may or may not be Jihadi terrorists.” Makes sense. [CBS]
Comic Book Caper Easy to Solve
A most likely inexperienced burglar in Festus, Missouri, made off with KISS Action figures, Pokémon cards, and a laptop from a local comic book store. The criminal left behind his calling card, which might prove to be his downfall. His calling card is his cell phone. [UPI]
Kanye Hypocrisy Bears Fruit
Despite tweeting that this day would never come, Kanye West’s new album is expected to “drop” on Apple Music and Spotify today. If you prefer your music with fewer lies, Beyoncé’s new album might also come out today. [engadget]
Happy April 2nd!
Today, of course, is April Fools’ Day, which means Google will most likely do something clever, and you can get free donuts! We wouldn’t trust us either, but it’s true. [Money Talks]
Good Job, America: Senator Gives Up Seat from Jail
Detroit Democratic senator Virgil Smith, who’s serving a 10-month jail sentence for shooting up his ex-wife’s car, has decided to resign. He didn’t give a reason. [Detroit Free Press]